Atti della Summer School 2018. Diritti umani e valori universali
A cura di Alberto Barzanò
Contributi di A. Padoa Schioppa, E. Pagano, M.P. Pattoni, C. Marazzini, M.L. Lopez Vidriero Abello, S. Ferrari, F. Cantù, C. Tarditi, G. Boffi , S. Kohn.

The debate on the Antichita d´Ercolano in the correspondance between Galiani and Tanucci is approached as a case study on the complexity of the editorial policy as well as the acceptance of such an emblematic work by the enlightened society, which is aimed at proyecting the image of a new monarchy. It is  clear/obvious  that this type of work has an educational function, the purpose being the acculturation and molding on primary values fi t  for providing a precise image of fthe King, thus becoming objects of foreground análisis since they narrow the search of solutions to the problems of accessing the knowledge that the bibliographical sciences could offer for achieving their didatic programmatic purpose.Seven relevant aspectcs have been identifi ed where the confl ict of points of view and the refl ection on technique, strategy and objectives surface the internal view – contradictions, problems and strategies – regarding luxery editions and the dissemination of classic aesthetic models.Coulour printing; Public and market; Selective  dissemination: a book for a specifi c audience; The power of criticism ; The libraries  as source of the national identity and the catalogues as instruments of knowledge; Alternative products: the insufi ciency of erudite  editions; Use and usage.The production of the colour illustration linked to this edition is developed in this paper.